☎ 49 (0) 30 88726845
Attorney Karolina Ewert

I defend clients nationwide, among other things against allegations from the general criminal law such as assault, theft, fraud, juvenile criminal law and in the case of violations of the Narcotics Act and allegations of traffic offenses and offenses. Due to my specialization, I am as familiar with the relevant institutions in the police, customs and judiciary as with the current supreme court case law on the rights of an accused and the specific offenses. My specialization in the field of criminal law ensures both effective defense in court and expert advice and support in the entire field of criminal justice. The best conditions, therefore, so that you are not exposed to unnecessary risks: Straight criminal charges can quickly develop massive consequences for their own lives - from the sensitive fine to several years in prison.

I advise German and Polish in my native languages, as well as in English, of course.

I successfully completed the lawyer training in criminal law and regularly attend training courses on criminal problem areas.
The legal traineeship I completed at the Berlin Court of Appeals with stations at the district court Tempelhof-Kreuzberg, the prosecutor's office Berlin (youth department), the police chief in Berlin and a Berlin criminal law office.
I studied law at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. Already during my studies I specialized in criminal law and participated in seminars on insolvency criminal law and labor criminal law. For the First State Law Examination, I chose "Criminal Justice, Criminal Defense and Prevention".
  • Association of Berlin defense lawyers eV
  • DAV Forum Young Attorney
  • DAV Berlin Bar Association
  • Working Group Criminal Law

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